Bible Translations

Once our kids are old enough, it’s great to transition to using the actual, inspired word of God, on its own, or alongside a Storybook Bible. It can be hard to know what to choose with so many options out there. Here is a little information to help you choose what’s right for your child. The images are just samples of covers - you want to look for the translation type over the specific cover.

International Children’s Bible (ICB)  
Written specifically with easy English for understanding, while being truthful to the original language. Good for introducing under 5s to verses or passages in a full Bible, or for children aged 6-12 to read to themselves. For more information click here.

New International Readers Verson (NIrV) 
This version is based on the NIV translation and much of the same language is used. It has chosen shorter words and explained words that might be hard to understand. Similarly, sentences have been shortened. Good choice for primary aged children. For more information click here.

Contemporary English Version (CEV) 
Designed to be easily read by primary school aged children, people with English as a second language or those who prefer a more contemporary English style. For more information click here.

New Living Translation (NLT) 
This translation focuses on accurately communicating the original meaning of the text, in easy to read and understand English. A great choice for high school aged youth. For more information click here.