Bible Memorisation

Left: People in the Bible Conversation Cards - New Testament
Middle: Christ at the Centre Cards
Right: Exodus Story Cards

There is a growing number of great resources out there other than books for helping teach Biblical truth to children. Card sets and games are growing in popularity. There are lots out there. They can be great as a different method of family devotional or kids own Bible discovery. 

American companies ‘Tiny Theologians’ and ‘Kids Read Truth’ are some places making quality products on a range of topics. You may want to check them out if these are something you are interested in. Postage costs from America can make them very expensive! Perhaps there is someone who wants to share shipping costs with you?

Or check out More Than Wildflowers for an Aussie small business that imports American products (for both kids and adults) to make it more affordable and accessible. Some of our favourites are below: 
Kids Read Truth
‘People in the Bible Conversation Cards - Old Testament’
’People in the Bible Conversation Cards - New Testament’
‘Exodus Story Cards’
Tiny Theologians
‘Christ at the Centre Cards’