All St. John’s Youth from year 6 to year 12 are invited to come to Youth Camp. Friends are invited too!
When: Friday Aug 18th 7pm - Sun Aug 20th 11:00am, 2023.
What: We will be heading to Port Hacking to welcome our new year 6 Roasties, hear Bible talks, interspersed with food breaks, free time and other organised (and fun) activities.
Why: It will be a great opportunity for us to get away, welcome our new Roast members well, spend some time with each other, have heaps of fun and be inspired by our great speakers to live our lives for Jesus.
Where: The conference will be held at the Chaldercot, Port Hacking, Youthworks Conference Centre, an hour south of Maroubra in good traffic. Pick up from Port Hacking.
When: Meet at SJM Church on Friday, 18th August. at 5pm. We will be driving in leader's and parents cars departing outside church. Pick up at Port Hacking Conference Centre on Sunday, Aug 20th, at 11:00am.
Cost: The total cost - $153. This covers accommodation, meals, and activities. This does not include Friday night dinner, please bring money to stop at McDonalds on the way.
Transport: Meet at SJM Church on Friday, 18th August. at 5pm. We will be driving in leader's and parents cars departing outside church. Pick up at Port Hacking Conference Centre on Sunday, Aug 20th, at 11:00am.
Should you have any questions, please contact myself or the church office.
We are excited to spend this good time together away and welcome the year 6s to Roast Youth!
Ben Gow
Youth Pastor
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We understand that the cost of living has increased significantly over the last few years which makes make sending your youth to camp even more difficult. We'd love to make sure that anyone can make it, so if the cost is an issue for you we can certainly work something out. There are many very generous people at church! Please let Ben know (click here to email).
If you would like to sponsor a youth to go or subsidise their ticket, click here!