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Ripple Effect Workshops with Julieanne Laird

The Ripple Effect with Julie-Anne Laird is a one-day encourage and inspire programme to help us rediscover the confidence that God is always at work through us to spread the knowledge of Jesus.

The day consists of one workshop during church and 2 workshops held between the two services.

‘Church Workshop: Colossians 4:2-6’ is in our normal church time at 10am and repeated at 6:30pm. It’s church, with a little workshopping difference!

‘Workshop 1: Things I’ve learnt from non-Christian friends’ is at 12-1.30pm after a provided lunch.

‘Workshop 2: 6 Types of Friends’ is at 4-5:30pm and will be followed by a dinner.

I’d love you to come to all three, but please consider at least doing two! We’ve arranged it so you can do church plus 1 at an adjacent time to church if you feel time-poor. Whatever happens, be gospel rich! Invest in gospel confidence with us.

Earlier Event: 4 February
Come, Praise!
Later Event: 5 April
Food & Fun - Fiji Fundraising